Steel. Some Surface Treatments – PART 1

.wp-image-1435{display:none;}Surface Treatments

Some Surface Treatments for the steel. All the hot-end coating operations (such as forging, rolling, welding and heat treatment) create surface oxidation on carbon, alloy and stainless steels. It is necessary to eliminate this oxide layer (also called “calamine“) because it could create problems when stamping and drawing.

Besides, it can deteriorate corrosion resistance.

The most common cleaning systems are those which will be discussed in 2 post this week.

The degreasing.

Before pickling and welding operations, you should delete any lubricant or grease present on the surface of the material. It is possible to remove these compounds (used for example in deep drawing and redrawing) with:

  • carbon tetrachloride
  • trichloroethylene
  • alkali mixture
  • fine abrasive dust.

It is also important to thoroughly rinse cleaning end.


The sandblasting.

This technique is usually not used on stainless steel products. Except for a few cases of castings or forgings with presence of a lot of grippy flake. When this operation is required, it must use extremely fine sands or grits. Then you can proceed with decontamination-passivation treatment.

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