JET Vortex Dust Extractor DC-1100VX-CK – Tool Review (video)

In the past, I’ve always relied on my ShopVac to keep the dust down around the workshop. It did a reasonable job of extracting the dust kicked out by my last Unisaw. Then something changed – my shop was graced with the latest Unisaw model (link to review here). While I love the saw overall, it seemed to me that something was wrong with its dust extraction port. The vacuum wasn’t pulling all the dust down as it had on the older model. Hmmm…must be a clogged port or hose! Nope. I continued to grumble and wallow in dust.Enter the JET Vortex DC-1100VX-CK. I picked it up at JET’s facility in LaVergne, TN after drooling all over it during a visit there to see the new BASH sledge (link here). I swapped the old ShopVac out for the Vortex and gave it a whirl.If you buy yours unassembled, plan on an hour or so to sort out the parts and put it all together. The process is simple and relatively self-explanatory. If you’re big into reading instructions, theirs are pretty straight-forward. My only snag was getting the bag retainer to position properly. Luckily, a friend dropped by and we were able to pop it into place. Assembling just about anything is easier with two sets of hands.I rolled it into the shop and, at first, simply hooked up my 2 inch vacuum hose to the unit and the saw. For any of you thinking this will work, let me tell you that it won’t. I just figured I’d give it a shot to see the results.I ordered a 4-inch dust extraction hose and hooked it up. Can you say, “HUGE difference?” I knew you could. Yup, it’s all about the volume of air being transported to the extractor -1100 cubic feet per minute in the case of this unit.I can’t say enough about how well the JET Vortex performs. Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I put together a video to demonstrate the difference between 1) Using no extraction, 2) Using a shop vacuum, and 3) Using the JET Vortex. For the test, I cross-cut a short length of 2×4 and did my best to make the cut at the same speed each time.The results are very visual:[youtube]8rnzTrzBtoA[/youtube] Since my shop is located directly off my home office, it’s critical that I keep dust to a minimum. If for no other reason, I just hate dusting. But more importantly, computers and my other electronics hate dust! The JET Vortex has made a dramatic difference in the dust I’ve seen entering the living space.The model DC-1100VX-CK used in the test is outfitted with a 2-micron canister filter. In American terms (why didn’t we ever convert to Metric?), that’s about .0000787 of an inch. In shop terms, there’s a lot less airborne dust floating around to aggravate allergies, eyes, and noses. It also means less dust landing on cabinet tops and shelves. The big payoff there is not getting a face full of it when you’re pulling something off said shelf later.At this point, I’ve used the Jet unit for almost 5 months and haven’t had to clean the filter. Suction remains consistent and I attribute that to the Vortex Cone inside. It prevents all but the finest dust particles from entering the filter – a big improvement!Other models are available at lower price-points, but if your budget can stand it, I’d recommend springing for this jewel.  You can purchase it at

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