Prepare Your Home and Equipment for Winter

As temperatures drop and winter approaches, winterizing your home and equipment shoots to the top of everyone’s to-do lists. Preparing your home and equipment adds an extra layer of defense against the bitterly cold season. Protect yourself and your home with Acme’s winterizing and preparation guide.

Winterizing Equipment

Before you store away your outdoor power tools for the winter, take a few extra steps to ensure not only a smooth start in the spring but also many upcoming years of high-performance.

Power tools pose a high risk of deteriorating when gasoline is left in the fuel tank all winter long. It is recommended to stabilize and drain the fuel system to avoid deposits and build-ups effectively.

How to Stabilize and Drain Fuel:

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  • Mix a fuel stabilizer in the gas as recommended by the fuel stabilizer bottle. We recommend STA-BIL Fuel Treatments.
  • Give the stabilizer a chance to enter all parts of the fuel system by running the equipment for 10-15 minutes.
  • Turn the tool off.
  • Drain the fuel into the appropriate container for storage.
  • Start the equipment and let it run until it turns itself off. Allowing the tool to turn itself off will get rid of all residual fuel and ensure all parts have been treated with stabilizer.

Winter Preparation

Acme Tools carries all of the winter equipment you need this year to prepare for the cold season.

Avalanche Snow Rake

Easily remove snow from your roof this winter.Easily remove snow from your roof this winter.

Prevent roof damage with the Avalanche Snow Rake. The wheeled rake makes clearing your roof easier, preventing ice dams and strain. The advanced snow rake is designed to quickly clear snow from metal, shingles, asphalt, and solar roofs.

Sewer Skewer

Avoid frozen sewer vents with the Sewer Skewer. The copper pipe sits in your vent pipe and conducts heat from the sun and warm sewer gas, preventing ice build-ups and dangerous gases in your home. For more information on the Sewer Skewer, check out this blog post.

Snow Blower & Shovels

In the midwest, snow is inevitable. Make snow removal easier with snow shovels and snow blowers. With varying clearing widths, features, and power sources, Acme Tools can help you find the right snow blower for your winter needs.

Shop Snow Shovels and Snow Blowers at Acme Tools.

Heated Outdoor Clothing

Stay warm this winter with heated gear.Stay warm this winter with heated gear.

Stay warm this winter with heated apparel from Milwaukee, DEWALT, Makita, Bosch, and Mobile Warming. Snow blowing, shoveling, and working outdoors is not only challenging, but it’s also cold. Protect yourself this winter with heated jackets, hoodies, vests, gloves, blankets, and more!

Scrapers & Snow Brooms 

Don’t forget to stock your car with snow and ice removal tools. Ice scrapers with an attached snow brush allow users to remove both snow and ice from car windows, while snow brooms specialize in providing the length to remove snow from the top of cars.

Shop Snow and Ice Removal Equipment at Acme Tools.

Final Thoughts

Maintain your equipment and prepare your home for the upcoming snowy season with our winter tips and necessities. Shop at an Acme Tools near you or visit our online store for more winter products.

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