Keeping Up with Sustainability for Earth Day | Tools

Keeping Up with Sustainability for Earth Day

People across the world have celebrated Earth Day every April 22 since 1970. The 2020 celebration was extra special, as we recognized 50 years of highlighting humans’ relationship with the planet and the corresponding effects. Even though current circumstances prevented many public celebrations, this holiday always presents a unique opportunity for us to step back and look at how trade professionals contribute to sustainability efforts.

Trends toward more sustainable building practices have emerged over the last decade. Government agencies are working more closely with businesses to updates standards and make sure that new projects don’t negatively affect the environment. As part of those standards, new construction is being evaluated to make sure its impact on the atmosphere is as minimal as possible.

This is where professionals like electricians and electrical contractors come into play, by installing, checking and updating building systems to make sure they fit these ever-evolving standards. Plumbing professionals, HVAC technicians and other tradespeople who help build structures from the ground-up use the same sort of processes.

Sustainability and moving towards “green” options is an ongoing and constantly changing process. Adhering to new and improved standards will help the environment and help save money on operating costs. What types of sustainability efforts have you implemented into your work practices? How did you recognize Earth Day this year? Let us know on social media!