Interview with Glass Artist Tobi Stoll of 'Past Lives'

9th January 2014

Tobi Stoll, along with her partner Sheila Cooley, run a business called Past Lives, They create beautiful wind chimes, bird feeders, pin cushions and clocks from old china and glass. Read on to find out more…

Tobi Stoll of Past Lives uses Eternal Tools Diamond Core Drills to create her glass and china windchimes, bird feeders and hangings

When did you first start making your designs?

We started working together about seven years ago. Our talents complement each other well. Sheila used to make jewelry, so her beading adds a whole new dimension to our work. I think I like the chimes the best; no two are alike and they represent our talents combined.

Do you have a studio space you work from, tell us about it?

Both of us work out of our homes and each of us has a studio.

What is the main inspiration for your designs?

Our inspiration is getting beautiful old pieces of glass and china out into the sun where they can be appreciated. A lot of those things are hidden away and never enjoyed on a daily basis.

Past Lives glassware bird feeders using Eternal Tools Diamond Core Drills

What keeps you going whilst working?

Our pets definitely improve the mood either by quietly keeping us company or by getting underfoot!

Do you have a favourite tool?

Our favorite tool would have to be Eternal Tools diamond core drill bits.

I drill all the holes and cut the glass sheets; Sheila does the beading and gets the best sound out of each.

Medium Diamond Core Drills 3.5mm - 10mm

Diamond Core Drills

Tell us about where you sell your work and any upcoming exhibitions

We usually do several local Craft shows in the spring, and several more in the Fall. We are also fortunate enough to have a gift shop carry our products.

Past Lives Tea Cup and Saucer bird feeders

 What’s next for Past Lives?

So far, neither of us can quit our day jobs, but we enjoy being creative and we absolutely love the hunt for that next piece of glass that is perfect for what we envision making out of it.

We pride ourselves on doing the best possible job so our work not only looks good, but holds up well outdoors.Tobi Stoll

Past Lives, bird feeder from recycled glass Past Lives Windchimes

We’d like to thank Tobi and Sheila for sharing their talent and creativity with us, an inspiration to everyone!

If you would like to find out more about how you can drill through glass or recycle glass bottles or drill through vintage plates take a look at our blog for more tutorials and interesting articles.

Furthermore, if you would like to feature in our Artists Interviews please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you.

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