Facts About Stainless Steel Fasteners That You Should Know Screws and Fasteners Manufacturer

Facts About Stainless Steel Fasteners That You Should Know

There are a wide variety of types of fasteners, but stainless steel fasteners lead in the most preferred component for many fastening applications. Let’s get into the several factors that come into play on why stainless steel fasteners are great devices.

Stainless Steel Fasteners have excellent corrosion resistance

Standard fasteners can obtain corrosion resistance by undergoing processes of coating or plating. This method adds an extra layer of protection to environmental elements that can corrupt the fasteners. Fortunately, stainless steel fasteners have a natural corrosion resistance. Stainless steel contains chromium oxide that forms over the material’s outer surface. This effectively prevents corrosion from chemical reactions that cause the degrading and oxidation of the material.

Figure 1. Stainless steel bolts and nuts fastener

Stainless Steel Fasteners are durable

The material offers durability in fasteners, stainless steel can thrive under extreme temperatures and even underwater. This quality exceeds other metal materials used in producing fasteners, making them more advantageous than other components. It’s a great cost-value option in the long run compared to cheap standard fasteners.

Figure 2. stainless steel screws and washers

Stainless steel fasteners can self-repair

The same element that provides corrosion resistance in stainless steel fasteners is also capable of repairing minor damage. Chromium oxide is the protective layer that uses oxidation to react when the fastener is scratched to form a new protective layer.

figure 3. stainless steel bolt screws

Reasons to use stainless steel fasteners

  1. Widely available in inventory
  2. Reasonably Priced with the right qualities
  3. Excellent strength 
  4. Able to withstand corrosive elements
  5. Manufactured under strict standards
  6. Decorative Appearance
  7. Non-magnetic capabilities


With everything else, stainless steel fasteners are notably convenient to get. You can always find a nearby source of these types of fasteners. They are mainly distributed for their exceptional qualities including the appealing visuals of the products.

Definition of Stainless Steel

Stainless steel is a metal material that is simply a steel alloy created from low-carbon steel and other elements (i.e chromium, nickel, iron, manganese, carbon, copper, titanium, etc.).

Types of Stainless Steel

As discussed in the topics above, stainless steel fasteners have multiple features that are advantageous to any other type of fastener. Now let’s dig more into the two main types of stainless steel;

  1. Martensitic stainless steel has elements that can be treated in the heat for increasing its quality in strength and durability making it acquire a low corrosion resistance.
  2. Austenitic stainless steel is the common kind used in bolts and other fastener products because of its feature to take in loads of pressure without breakage, and its superior corrosion resistance due to the high levels of nickel and chromium it possesses.

Learn More with Prince Fastener

Choose your stainless steel fastener the way you want it! Prince Fastener can help you with the many technical attributes to learn about the mechanical devices you need in fastening. We are capable to meet customer requirements in custom stainless steel fasteners. We offer a wide variety of readily available standard fasteners. Contact us today and discover more great deals we have to offer!

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