Holiday Reflections – 2016

Holiday Reflections – 2016

Posted by
Leila Bell on Dec 14, 2016 11:16:29 AM

The holiday season is upon us and boy have we been busy here with Vectis™! In today’s hectic work environment, it can be tough to find the time for reflective thought. Our energy has been focused on launching the website, developing marketing strategy, countless meetings with our engineers, and all of the other necessary steps it takes to hit the ground running with a new product line. But, the Holiday season tends to lighten the “business as usual” mood around here. It sparks a change in our day to day routines and brings forth a more festive and light hearted atmosphere. This, in turn, allows us the opportunity to look back on the past year, assess the present, and take a glimpse into our future.

When I sat down to write this holiday reflections blog, I had so many different ideas in mind to write about, but at the end of the day, my reflections on the past year brought me directly to the amazing team behind Vectis™ Counterbalance Hinges. Because, without every single person employed at Weber Knapp Company, there would be no Vectis™ to blog about in the first place! We are truly blessed to have such an amazing group of people, truly a family, who whole heartedly and proudly stand behind the products that are made here. I find it a blessing to be able to spend my work days with people who care as much about the company they work for and the quality of product they produce as I do.

My reflections also directed me to our clients and friends who continue to place their trust in us. I know I speak for everyone at Weber Knapp and Vectis™ when I say we appreciate your business and look forward to another prosperous year. We look forward to growing stronger relationships with our current customers and forging new friendships and business associates in the year to come.
From all of us at Weber Knapp and Vectis™, we wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas, or whatever holiday you may celebrate at this time of year! You are all such an important part of our past and our future! We look forward to growing with you in 2017!


Leila Bell

Business Development Manager


The Weber Knapp & Vectis™ Team

Weber Knapp Company


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