Craftsman Folding Clench Wrench

Clench Wrench

Craftsman Clench Wrench Review

Strangely, we discovered this tool at the Consumer Electronics Show in Vegas. Apparently, they decided that the crowds wandering the aisles of gadgets and electronic toys would also welcome some hand tools and accessories. Thinking outside the box pays off, because thousand and thousands were introduced to this unique design, including the Tool Skool crew.

Clench Wrench

Craftsman Clench Wrench Uses

Craftsman has always been an innovator when it comes to “gadgety” tools. They spend a great deal of time and money in R&D and even more in testing their products. I’ve always been a fan of the tools they bring to the market and the Clench Wrench didn’t disappoint. It takes a little getting used to the pivoting jaws, but once you’ve had a chance to use it, I think you’ll be able to see the value in its design and use.

The pivoting jaws make it easier to get a solid hold on brake line nuts. If you don’t own a brake line wrench (always the best first choice), this is a nice alternative – and can work in a lot of other situations, as well.

Clench WrenchTake a look at the video review below to see the Clench Wrench in action.

Craftsman Clench Wrench Video Review

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