Review – Irwin Universal Handsaw

It’s not often that a tool without a motor does anything for me. I’ve said in the past that I’m completely spoiled to the point where I’ve almost forgotten how to swing a hammer. If a job can be made easier with ac or dc power, I’m all for it. That’s why it was a challenge for me to get excited about a handsaw. I’ll have to give Irwin credit, though – this saw is different.
They redesigned the handle and angle at which it sits. They also made some adjustments to the way the blade is configured. It all adds up to a saw that really does seem to be user friendly.
I’ve never had good luck with handsaws. They tend to bind and bow and I end up with a cut that looks like a beaver gnawed on it for lunch. With this Irwin saw, I felt like I was more in control of the cut from beginning to end. A few short pull strokes to get the cut started and I was off! The saw didn’t bind once. It certainly has a better feel overall than any handsaw I own.
The laser-cut slots and grooves on the blade are nifty for measuring 90s and 45s. I thought that was a nice added feature.
Irwin claims the saw cuts 3 times as fast as an ordinary handsaw. I guess for me that would be true since I’d spend most of my time fighting with my old saw just to get it started in a groove. For handsaw lovers, this new saw may or may not be as fast as your favorite cutting blade – you’ll have to give it a spin yourself.
For only $19, it’s a worthy investment if you’re in the market for a new saw. I’m still keeping my power tools, though.
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